2012年11月20日 星期二


自製止咳藥:柳丁削去部,撒上少許鹽,蓋上被削去部分,蒸10分 = 止咳 (供參考)Steamed & Salted Orange Cures Cough To:
This method had been tested by many people, and found to be one of the best methods to stop cough.Cut off the top part of the orange, put some salt into the orange, and replace the top part. Steam it for 10 minutes and eat all the flesh including the juice at the bottom of the bowl. It may not taste very nice, but cures your prolonged cough in days. Don't forget to drink up the water left in the bowl. It tastes sour and salty, but is good for cure.
柳丁削去Cut off a little slice off the orange's top
許鹽 Add a teaspoon of salt.
蓋上被削去部分 Replace sliced top and fix it with a toothpick.
10分鐘 Place in a bowl and steam for 10 minutes.
Eat all the flesh including the juice at the bottom of the bowl.將果肉及碗中果汁吃完


