2012年3月21日 星期三


世界上最康的食物之一 ~ 羽衣甘藍(Kale)
With this delicious, easy-to-prepare recipe you can include kale as part of your Healthiest Way of Eating in a matter of minutes.與這種味道鮮美,易於準備的配方,可以包括羽衣甘藍,作為你的健康在幾分鐘內飲食方式的一部分。 Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables around with one serving providing you with an excellent source of health-promoting vitamins A and K. Enjoy!羽衣甘藍是同一個服務提供與健康促進維生素A和K。享受的極好來源,你周圍的健康蔬菜!
5分鐘芥蘭 Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes 準備和庫克時間:15分鐘
Ingredients: 成份:
  • 1 pound kale, chopped 1磅重的羽衣甘藍,切碎 
  • Mediterranean Dressing: 地中海醬汁:
  • 1 TBS lemon juice 1湯匙檸檬汁
  • 1 medium clove garlic, pressed or chopped 1個中等大小的瓣大蒜,按下或切碎
  • 3 TBS extra virgin olive oil 3 TBS的特級初榨橄欖油
  • salt and black pepper to taste鹽和黑胡椒 
  • Optional: 可選:
  • sliced onions, steam with kale切片洋蔥,甘藍蒸汽
  • 2 TBS sun dried tomatoes 2 TBS的太陽曬乾西紅柿
  • 2 TBS sliced olives (kalamata) 2湯匙切片橄欖(卡拉馬塔)
  • 2TBS feta cheese 2TBS羊奶酪
  • 5 drops soy sauce 5滴醬油

Directions: 方向:
  1. Chop garlic and let it sit for 5 minutes to enhance its health-promoting properties.切碎大蒜, 讓它坐 5分鐘,以加強其健康促進的屬性。
  2. Fill bottom of steamer with 2 inches of water and bring to boil.蒸籠底部,並填寫2英寸的水,煮滾。
  3. While water is coming to a boil, slice kale leaves into 1/2-inch slices, and cut again crosswise.而水燒開,芥蘭片成2英寸片葉子,和橫向再次下調。 Cut stems into 1/4-inch slices.切成4英寸片莖。 Let kale sit for at least 5 minutes to bring out it health-promoting properties.讓羽衣甘藍至少5分鐘,坐下來帶來IT促進健康的屬性。
  4. When water comes to a boil, add kale (and onion if desired)to the steamer basket and cover. Steam for 5 minutes.當水燒開,加芥蘭(和洋蔥,如果需要的話)的蒸籠籃子和蓋子。 5分鐘。
  5. Transfer to a bowl and toss with Mediterranean Dressing ingredients.轉移到一個碗和折騰與地中海敷料成分。 Mediterranean Dressing does not have to be made separately.地中海醬汁沒有單獨作出。 For the best flavor, toss with dressing while kale is still hot.最好的味道,折騰穿衣,而甘藍仍是熱的。
  6. Top with any/all of optional ingredients.頂端與任何/所有可選配料。 Serves 2 服務2

Nutritional Profile營養簡介

Nutrients in養分
5-minute Healthy Steamed Kale 5分鐘健康蒸芥蘭
1.00 serving (256.93 grams) 1.00份(256.93克)
Nutrient %Daily Value 養分 %每日價值

vitamin K 2316.2% 維生素K 2316.2%

vitamin A 697.4% 維生素A 697.4%

vitamin C 460.2% 維生素C的 460.2%

manganese 89% 89%

copper 33% 33%

vitamin B6 32% 維生素B6 32%

calcium 30.9% 30.9%

potassium 29.4% 29.4%

tryptophan 28.1% 色氨酸 28.1%

Calories (297) 16% 16%的 熱量(297)

Introduction to Recipe Rating System Chart配方評價系統圖
In order to better help you identify recipes that feature a high concentration of nutrients for the calories they contain, we created a Recipe Rating System.為了更好的幫助您識別,具有高濃度的營養,它們所包含的熱量的食譜,我們創建了一個配方評價系統。 This system allows us to highlight the recipes that are especially rich in particular nutrients.這個系統使我們能夠突出,尤其是在特別是營養豐富的食譜。 The following chart shows the nutrients for which 5-Minute Kale is either an excellent, very good, or good source (below the chart you will find a table that explains these qualifications).下面的圖表顯示了5分鐘芥蘭是一個優秀的,非常好,還是不錯的源代碼(下面的圖表,你會發現一個表,說明這些資格)的營養素。 If a nutrient is not listed in the chart, it does not necessarily mean that the recipe doesn't contain it.如果沒有在圖中列出的營養素,它並不一定意味著配方中不包含它。 It simply means that the nutrient is not provided in a sufficient amount or concentration to meet our rating criteria.它只是意味著,營養不提供足夠的數量或濃度,以滿足我們的評級標準。 (To view this recipe's in-depth nutritional profile that includes values for dozens of nutrients - not just the ones rated as excellent, very good, or good - please use the link below the chart.) To read this chart accurately, you'll need to glance back up to see the ingredients used in the recipe and the number of serving sizes provided by the recipe. (要查看這一配方的深入的營養價值,其中包括幾十營養價值 - 不僅僅是評為優秀,非常好,還是不錯的 - 請使用下面的圖表鏈接)為了準確地閱讀圖表,你會需要回眸配方使用的原料和配方提供的服務規模數量。 Our nutrient ratings are based on a single serving.我們的營養評分都基於一個單一的份。 For example, if a recipe makes 4 servings, you would be receiving the nutrient amounts listed in the chart by eating 1/4th of the combined ingredients found in the recipe.例如,如果一個配方,使4人份,你會得到吃1/4th在配方中的組合成分圖表中列出的營養金額。 Now, returning to the chart itself, you can look next to the nutrient name in order to find the nutrient amount it offers, the percent Daily Value (DV%) that this amount represents, the nutrient density that we calculated for this recipe and nutrient, and the rating we established in our rating system.現在,返回到圖表本身,你可以看一下旁邊的營養素名稱,以便找到提供養分量,%每日價值(DV%),這一數額代表,我們為這個食譜和營養計算,營養密度,我們在我們的評級制度建立的評級。 For most of our nutrient ratings, we adopted the government standards for food labeling that are found in the US Food and Drug Administration's "Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling." Read more background information and details of our rating system .對於大多數的營養評分,我們採取了政府在美國食品和藥物管理局發現食品標籤標準“營養標籤的參考值。” 閱讀更多的背景信息和我們的評級制度的細節

5-minute Healthy Steamed Kale 5分鐘健康蒸芥蘭
1.00 serving 1.00份
256.93 grams 256.93克
297.54 calories 297.54卡路里
Nutrient養分 Amount DV的DV
(%) (%)
World's Healthiest世界上最健康
Foods Rating食品評價
vitamin K維生素K 1852.96 mcg 1852.96微克 2316.2 2316.2 140.1 140.1 excellent優秀
vitamin A維生素A 34874.22 IU 34874.22國際單位 697.5 697.5 42.2 42.2 excellent優秀
vitamin C維生素C 276.14 mg 276.14毫克 460.2 460.2 27.8 27.8 excellent優秀
manganese 1.78 mg 1.78毫克 89.0 89.0 5.4 5.4 excellent優秀
copper 0.66 mg 0.66毫克 33.0 33.0 2.0 2.0 good
vitamin B6維生素B6 0.64 mg 0.64毫克 32.0 32.0 1.9 1.9 good
calcium 309.43 mg 309.43毫克 30.9 30.9 1.9 1.9 good
potassium 1029.27 mg 1029.27毫克 29.4 29.4 1.8 1.8 good
tryptophan色氨酸 0.09 g 0.09Ğ 28.1 28.1 1.7 1.7 good
World's Healthiest世界上最健康
Foods Rating食品評價
excellent優秀 DV>=75% OR DV> = 75%或以上
Density>=7.6 AND DV>=10%密度> = 7.6和DV> = 10%
very good非常好 DV>=50% OR DV> = 50%或以上
Density>=3.4 AND DV>=5%密度> = 3.4和DV> = 5%
good DV>=25% OR DV> = 25%或以上
Density>=1.5 AND DV>=2.5%密度> = 1.5和DV> = 2.5%

In-Depth Nutritional Profile for 5-Minute Kale 深入的營養價值5分鐘的芥蘭

