2011年1月5日 星期三

好笑! 都喝醉了!

Happy Hour in Africa 快樂似神仙!
肯亞的原生種植物馬魯拉樹(marula tree〉,果實於每年二、三月成熟,因為果樹高聳,通常由大象去搖晃樹幹,將果實搖落,再由所有動物共享,所以馬魯拉樹又稱為 「大象樹」。
This is a real video from a French documentary about Africa . You may not understand the narrative, but the video is a hoot. There are Marula trees which grow in Africa . This is the fruit that is used in the production Amarula Liqueur.
Once a year, the tree produces a very juicy fruit, which contains a large percentage of alcohol. Because of the shortage of water at this time of year, as soon as the fruits are ripe, animals come there to help themselves to protect from the heat and get nourishment. What happens next? You can watch for yourself! You can easily tell who over-indulged...

