2011年12月19日 星期一


Did you know that??
Chinese technique to stop hiccups (中國式停止打嗝法)

這個方法是古代一種導引術很簡單 This is an ancient Chinese technique to stop hiccups ..........

左手或右手都沒有關係, 用一隻手的姆指使勁的去壓迫另一隻手的手掌中央, 壓迫多次打嗝就會停止 It does not matter if you use either right or left hand. Use the thumb of one hand pressing against the center of the other palm. Several long hard presses and the hiccups will stop.

照書上說3分鐘內就會停止打嗝,但是我的經驗只要10幾秒打嗝就會自動停止, 相當神奇. According to the Chinese accupunture book 3 minutes will stop hiccups, but from my experience 10 seconds will stop hiccups.

此為中醫穴道--勞宮穴 This is the Chinese acupuncture points - 勞宮穴

